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Yellow Fever Outbreak, September 6, 2024

Situational Context Yellow fever (YF) is a viral hemorrhagic fever. It is transmitted to human by Aedes aegypti, mosquitos infected with the YF virus. The case-fatality rates can exceed 50% among severe cases. YF can be prevented through immunization with the YF vaccine, which is safe, inexpensive and reliable.  A single dose of the vaccine…

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Procurement And Supply Chain Management Plan

Introduction Laboratory tests vary in complexity, and the type of reagents and supplies required to carry out these tests is as varied as the type of tests. Although certain laboratory tests share supplies, a significant inventory of the said supplies is still necessary. Considering this, supplies have serious implications for the design of the logistics…

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Multisectoral Coordination Of Laboratory Systems And Services Toward One Health

Introduction The Ministry of Heath in Liberia works closely with several units and organizations to support laboratory operations (Figure 1).   Figure 1. The Ministry of Health and Associated Laboratory Units/Partners National Laboratory System The National Laboratory System (NLS) comprises the Public Health Reference Laboratory, the Research Laboratory, Clinical Laboratories, the Animal Health Laboratory, the…

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National Health Laboratory Strategic Plan 2023 – 2026

FOREWORD The development of National Health Laboratory Strategic Plan was guided by Liberia’s Joint national Action Plan for Health Security (NAPHS) 2018 – 2022, whose purpose is to prevent, detect and respond to public health threats, prevent international spread of epidemic prone diseases and promote multi-sectoral and multi-disciplinary coordination and collaboration in the context of…

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