
Surveillance Standard Operating Procedures for YELLOW FEVER

Introduction Yellow fever (YF) is a viral hemorrhagic fever. It is transmitted to human by Aedes aegypti, mosquitos infected with the YF virus. The case-fatality rates can exceed 50% among severe cases. YF can be prevented through immunization with the YF vaccine, which is safe, inexpensive and reliable. A single dose of the vaccine provides…

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Surveillance Standard Operating Procedures for COVID-19

Purpose of the SOP This document is a standard operating procedure (s) for COVID-19 surveillance in Liberia. The content is intended to inform surveillance at national and county, health facility, community, and at points of entry, referencing the 3rd Edition of the Liberia IDSR Technical Guidelines (2019). How to use the SOP Reporting sites are…

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Surveillance Standard Operating Procedures for Ebola Virus Disease (EVD)

Surveillance Standard Operating Procedures for Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) Acknowledgement This document has been developed as the first version of the surveillance Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in Liberia by the Division of Infectious Disease and Epidemiology, National Public Health Institute of Liberia with technical guidance from the World Health Organization…

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