Yellow Fever Outbreak, September 6, 2024

Situational Context

Yellow fever (YF) is a viral hemorrhagic fever. It is transmitted to human by Aedes aegypti, mosquitos infected with the YF virus. The case-fatality rates can exceed 50% among severe cases. YF can be prevented through immunization with the YF vaccine, which is safe, inexpensive and reliable.

 A single dose of the vaccine provides protection against the disease for at least 10 years and possibly throughout life. A high risk exists of an explosive outbreak in an unimmunized population even if there is only one laboratory-confirmed case in the population.

The most vulnerable group are children.

Since 2016, Liberia has recorded 9 confirmed cases (1 laboratory confirmed, 8 presumptive positive) including 1 death reported from six (6) counties: Grand Kru, Rivercess, Nimba, Grand Cape Mount, Sinoe and River Gee Counties.

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